Enspiral workspace

Yesterday we spent all morning working in Enspiral to try and get a better idea of industry workspaces. Enspiral is a shared workspace where freelances or other small businesses can go to rent a spot in the space. It is focussed around the idea of facilitating collaboration and inspiration through a real community feel.

It was great to really experience how people interact in the workspace on a regular workday. We found that it confirmed our research around the fact that the majority are purely function-based workers who only stop occasionally to make a coffee or go to the bathroom. We found that there was not as much interaction between the workers as we had anticipated - purely because of the values Enspiral is based off we assumed that it would be better here.

It was also amazing to see the implementation of separate, smaller, modular workspaces for specific needs - very similar idea to Think Space. Around the office various rooms had been allocated uses such as 'the Skype room' and 'the break room'. 'The break room' was actually a small shed like structure that had been brought into the office and was dark and sound proof inside to create a surreal, relaxing feel.

The small spaces have been very popular at Enspiral and made us feel very confident about our idea.

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